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\newcommand{\ite}[3]{\mathop{\mathit{if}}\,{#1}\mathrel{\mathit{then}}{#2}\mathrel{\mathit{ else }}{#3}}
\newcommand{\Nat} {\mathbb{N}}
\newcommand{\Int} {\mathbb{Z}}
\newcommand{\Bit} {\mathbb{B}}
\newcommand{\bbase} {B}
\newcommand{\bnine} {A}
\newcommand{\bneg} [1] {\overline{#1}}
\newcommand{\band} {\mathrel{\&}}
\newcommand{\bor} {\mathrel{|}}
\newcommand{\bxor} {\mathrel{\hat{\phantom{+}}}}
\newcommand{\badd} {\mathrel{+}}
\newcommand{\blts} {\mathrel{\lt_s}}
\newcommand{\bltu} {\mathrel{\lt_u}}
\newcommand{\baddn} {\mathrel{+_n}}
\newcommand{\bsubn} {\mathrel{-_n}}
\newcommand{\bsll} {\mathrel{\ll}}
\newcommand{\bsrl} {\mathrel{\gg}}
\newcommand{\bsra} {\mathrel{\overset s\gg}}
\newcommand{\bconcat} {\,}
\newcommand{\bseqq} [2] {{#1}_{#2}\dots {#1}_0}
\newcommand{\bseq} [2] {{#1}_{#2-1}\dots {#1}_0}
\newcommand{\bsintp} [1] {[#1]}
\newcommand{\buintp} [1] {\langle #1\rangle}
\newcommand{\buintpb}[2] {\buintp{#1}_{#2}}
\newcommand{\CSeq}[2]{{#1}\ {#2}}
\newcommand{\CAssnVV}[2]{\CAssign{\CVar #1}{\CVar #2}}
\newcommand{\CAssnVC}[2]{\CAssign{\CVar #1}{\CConst #2}}
\newcommand\config[2]{\langle#1\mid #2\rangle}
\newcommand{\codeE}[5]{\mathit{#1}\enspace #2\enspace #3\enspace #4 = #5}
\newcommand{\codeSO}[3]{\mathit{codeS}\enspace #1\enspace #2 = #3}
\newcommand{\codeS}[2]{\mathit{codeS}\enspace \mathit{offs}\enspace #1 = #2}
\newcommand{\codePO}[3]{\mathit{codeP}\enspace #1\enspace #2 = #3}
\newcommand{\codeP}[2]{\mathit{codeP}\enspace \mathit{offs}\enspace #1 = #2}
\def\rsl{r_1\lcc rs}
\def\rsls{r_1\lcc r_2\lcc rs}
\newcommand{\denot}[1]{\llbracket {#1} \rrbracket}
\newcommand{\subtyperel} {\mathrel{\le}}
\newcommand{\fillinmath}[1]{\mathchoice{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\displaystyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\textstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptstyle \phantom{\,#1\,}$}}{\colorbox{fillinmathshade}{$\scriptscriptstyle\phantom{\,#1\,}$}}}
Section 4.11 Examples
We now have the means to implement the examples from
Chapter 3 in C.
Example 4.11.1 . Number Conversion.
#include <stdio.h>
void print_hex(unsigned word)
unsigned shift = 8 * sizeof(word);
do {
shift -= 4;
unsigned digit = (word >> shift) & 0x0f;
unsigned ascii = digit + (digit < 10 ? '0' : 'a' - 10);
} while (shift != 0);
Listing 4.11.2. Number conversion implementation
Example 4.11.3 . The Sieve of Eratosthenes.
#include <string.h>
char* eratosthenes(char* table, unsigned n) {
memset(table, 0, n);
for (unsigned q = 2; q * q < n; q++) {
if (table[q] == 0) {
for (unsigned j = q * q; j < n; j += q)
table[j] = 1;
return table;
Listing 4.11.4. Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation
Example 4.11.5 . Insertion Sort.
#include <assert.h>
static unsigned find(int* arr, unsigned n, int value)
unsigned i = 0;
while (i < n && arr[i] < value)
return i;
static void insert(int* arr, unsigned n, unsigned from, unsigned to)
assert(to <= from);
int val = arr[from];
for (unsigned i = to; i <= from; i++) {
int tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = val;
val = tmp;
void insertsort(int* arr, unsigned n)
for (unsigned i = 1; i < n; i++) {
unsigned pos = find(arr, n, arr[i]);
insert(arr, n, i, pos);
Listing 4.11.6. Insertion sort implementation