We have seen in the last section that the instructions that a processor executes are just bit strings that reside in memory. Because we do not want to encode these bit strings by hand, we use an assembler. An assembler translates a textual representation of machine code into binary code, i.e. the bit strings of the instructions. To this end, the assembler reads in a file that contains machine code instructions in their textual form and directives for the assembler that direct the assembly process and influence the shape of the output. The output of the assembler is a binary file (sometimes called object file). This file contains the binary-encoded machine code instructions, data for the data segment, and meta-data for the linker that binds together multiple object files into an executable program. Figure 2.3.1 shows this process schematically. As indicated in Figure 2.3.1 a program can consist of multiple assembly files. Each such file is called a translation unit because they are all “translated” separately.
Figure2.3.1.Translation process for an assembly code. The assembler translates each source file to object code and the linker binds them together to form an executable.
Let us explore the ingredients of an assembly code file by means of the example in Listing 2.3.2. The figure shows six instruction words that are located somewhere in the memory of the computer. The left column shows the instruction words as hexadecimal 32-bit numbers. The second and third column show the textual representation of the respective instruction word.
Listing2.3.2.Instruction words in hex and assembler instructions of a function that computes the factorial of a number given in register 4.
The second column represents the so-called mnemonic which is a short textual description of the opcode, i.e. the operation the instruction stands for such as mul for multiplication or addiu for “add a register to an immediate and ignore overflows”. The last column gives the operands of instruction. Registers are prefixed by the $ sign, e.g. $2 refers to register 2. Numbers without dollar signs represent immediates. So, addiu $2 $0 1 adds the value 1 to the contents of register 0 and stores the result in register 2. Effectively, this instruction places the value 1 into register 2 because register 0 always reads as zero. The instructions bgtz and bgez are control flow instructions that alter the value of the program counter. bgtz $4 -3 for example tests, if the value in register 4 is greater than zero (=gtz). If this is the case, the program counter is advanced by -3 instructions relative to the next instruction. (so, if the branch instruction is located at address 0x04000008, the pc will be set to 0x04000000.) If this is not the case, the program counter advances normally to the next instruction and the branch has no other effect. When adding a value to an address (like adding -3 to the pc in this example), this value is called an offset. Branches that take offsets are called relative branches whereas branches that take addresses as operands are called absolute branches. jr is an absolute branch: it sets the program counter to the contents of its operand register. A branch instruction that branches on a condition like in this example, is called a conditional branch. Sometimes one also dedicates the term branch specifically to conditional branches and calls unconditional branches jumps. The instruction bgez $0 2 acts as an unconditional branch here. bgez checks if the operand register is greater or equal than zero (=gez). Since the operand register here is register 0 which is always zero, the condition is always fulfilled and the instruction will branch every time it is executed making it an unconditional branch instruction, effectively.
Remark2.3.3.Pseudo instructions.
It may seem as a crude “hack” to use conditional branches to branch unconditionally. However, it saves us from introducing a dedicated instruction for that. This way, the instruction set stays small and clean which is part of the RISC (reduced instruction set) paradigm. The assembler however offers pseudo instructions such as li (load immediate = put an immediate into a register) or b (branch) that are just abbreviations for commonly used operations that can be expressed with the actual instruction set in a not so straightforward way.
Subsection2.3.2An Example
Computing offsets for relative branches is tedious and error-prone. Even worse, if one inserts new code between the branch and its target, the offset has to be recalculated. One of the prime tasks of an assembler is therefore to provide labels. Every entity in an assembler file that will be put somewhere in memory (such as instructions but also static data, Section 2.5 Every instruction (in general every address in a segment) can be marked with a label that stands for the address of the entity. One can refer to these labels at various places (such as in the operand list of relative branch instructions) and the assembler automatically computes the appropriate offsets for us. Listing 2.3.4 shows the assembly file from which the assembler produced the binary code shown in Listing 2.3.2.
.globl factorial
li $v0 1 # load 1 into register $v0
b check # jump to label check
mul $v0 $v0 $a0 # multiply $v0 with $a0 and put
# result into $v0
addiu $a0 $a0 -1 # Subtract 1 from $a0
bgtz $a0 loop # branch to loop, if $a0 > 0
jr $ra # return to caller
Listing2.3.4.A function that calculates the factorial of a number. This number is expected to be in register $a0 when the function is invoked.
Labels are defined by giving a name followed by a colon. factorial, loop, check are all labels. All other occurrences of these labels refer to them. The address the label stands for is the address at which the instruction that follows the label will be placed in memory when the program is loaded.
Another difference from the assembly code in Listing 2.3.2 to Listing 2.3.4 is that it is customary to use short names for registers. Instead of referring to register 4 as $4 we write $a0 here. This short name comes from the so-called calling convention, a set of rules the we use to assign specific roles to registers when calling function which we will discuss in Section 2.8.
Furthermore, Listing 2.3.4 shows some examples for assembler directives. .text is a directive that indicates that everything that follows is code. It activates the assembly code function which allows us to write mnemonic and register names instead of hand-coding instructions. .text also tells the linker later on that everything that follows has to be placed into the code (sometimes called text) segment. We will discuss segments later in Section 2.6. .globl factorial makes the label factorial visible from other translation units (see Figure 2.3.1. Labels that are not declared global are local to a translation unit and cannot be referred to from other translation units. This prevents that situation that programmers accidentally use the same label name in different files that would clash if the label's name was global. Note also the use of pseudo instructions as discussed in Remark 2.3.3.
Finally, let us give a main program that calls our factorial function. By convention, program execution starts at instruction with the label main. Our main program shall compute that factorial of 10, display the output on the console, and terminate the program.
.globl main
li $a0 10 # load 10 into register $a0
jal factorial # call function factorial
move $a0 $v0 # result is in $v0; move to $a0
li $v0 1 # load syscall number 1 into $v0
syscall # call system to output
li $v0 10 # load syscall number 10 into $v0
syscall # call system to end program
Listing2.3.5.A main program for our factorial function
Our main program calls the operating system to perform input and output operations. Here, we do go into details about operating systems. For our purposes, it is sufficient to accept that there is some system that we can interact with using the syscall instruction. We specify what exactly we want the operating system to do by putting a certain number into the $v0 register. Here, 1 means print the number stored in $a0 as a decimal number on the console and 10 means terminate the program.
Remark2.3.6.Program Termination.
Why do we explicitly need to terminate the program with a syscall? Listing 2.3.5 suggests that it is clear that the program ends after the last instruction. However, the instructions of our program are just some bytes in memory and behind these bytes there are other bytes that don't belong to our program. So our processor doesn't “see” the end of our program like we do in the listing above. Therefore, we have to hand back control to the operating system when our program has ended.
There is one other new instruction in Listing 2.3.5: jal. jal stands for “jump and link”. A jal instruction has an immediate that it interprets as an absolute address 4 before setting the program counter to that address, it stores the address of the instruction that follows the jal into register 31. This is the address the function that jal calls will want to return to. This is why register 31 is also called $ra (= return address).
The immediate is 26 bits wide. The final address is formed shifting that immediate 2 to the left (each instruction is 4 bytes long, so we never want to jump to an address that is not divisible by 4) and then prepending this with the 4 upper bits from the address where the jump instruction is located. So a MIPS jump instruction can only jump to an absolute address inside a 256 MiByte region.