Section A.1 Instruction Set Reference
Here, we summarize the MIPS instructions and OS calls that are most important for this book. The official MIPS reference [3] provides further details on the MIPS-IV instruction set.
Unless stated otherwise, each instruction increments the program counter by 4. We use \(\sext(b)\) to denote a sign extension of a bit string to 32 bit and \(\zext(b)\) for a zero extension of a bit string to 32 bit (see Sign and Zero Extension). Note that instructions using an immediate perform either sign or zero extension of the 16-bit immediate to 32 bit depending on the opcode. \(\blts\) und \(\bltu\) denote signed and unsigned comparisons. \(W[a]\text{,}\) \(H[a]\) und \(B[a]\) denote memory contents at address \(a\) in form of a word, half word or byte.
We use the following abbreviation to compute the new \(pc\) address for a conditional jump:
\cbranch(cc)\defeq\pc\badd 4\cdot (1\badd\ite{cc}{\sext(i)}{0})
Mnem | Args | Semantics | Comment |
addu | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs+\rt \) | Add two regs |
addiu | \(\rd\ \rs\ i \) | \(\rd\gets\rs+\sei \) | Add reg with immediate |
subu | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs-\rt \) | Subtract two regs |
mul | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\cdot\rt \) | Multiply two reg |
div | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\mathop{/}\rt \) | Divide two regs |
rem | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\mathop{\%}\rt \) | Remainder of division |
and | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\band\rt \) | Bitwise and |
andi | \(\rd\ \rs\ i \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\band\zei \) | Bitwise and with immediate |
or | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\bor\rt \) | Bitwise or |
ori | \(\rd\ \rs\ i \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\bor\zei \) | Bitwise or with immediate |
xor | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\bxor\rt \) | Bitwise xor |
xori | \(\rd\ \rs\ i \) | \(\rd\gets\rs\bxor\zei \) | Bitwise xor with immediate |
nor | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\bneg{\rs\bor\rt} \) | Complement of or |
lui | \(\rd\ \ i \) | \(\rd\gets i_{15}\dots i_{0}\bconcat 0^{16} \) | Load upper half-word of reg |
sll | \(\rd\ \rs\ n \) | \(\rd\gets \rs_{31-n}\dots\rs_0\bconcat 0^n \) | Shift left by \(n\) |
srl | \(\rd\ \rs\ n \) | \(\rd\gets 0^n\bconcat\rs_{31}\dots\rs_{n} \) | Unsigned shift right by \(n\) |
sra | \(\rd\ \rs\ n \) | \(\rd\gets (\rs_{31})^n\bconcat\rs_{31}\dots\rs_{n} \) | Signed shift right by \(n\) |
sllv | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets \rs_{31-n}\dots\rs_0\bconcat 0^n \) | \(n\defeq\rt\) |
srlv | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets 0^n\bconcat\rs_{31}\dots\rs_{n} \) | \(n\defeq\rt\) |
srav | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets (\rs_{31})^n\bconcat\rs_{31}\dots\rs_{n} \) | \(n\defeq\rt\) |
slt | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\ite{\rs\blts\rt}10 \) | Signed comparison of two regs |
sltu | \(\rd\ \rs\ \rt \) | \(\rd\gets\ite{\rs\bltu\rt}10 \) | Unsigned comparison of two regs |
slti | \(\rd\ \rs\ i \) | \(\rd\gets\ite{\rs\blts\sei}10 \) | Signed comparison of reg with imm. |
sltiu | \(\rd\ \rs\ i \) | \(\rd\gets\ite{\rs\bltu\sei}10 \) | Unsigned comparison of reg with imm. |
lw | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(\rd\gets W[\rs+\sei] \) | Load word |
lh | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(\rd\gets\sext(H[\rs\badd\sei]) \) | Load half word with sign extension |
lb | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(\rd\gets\sext(B[\rs\badd\sei]) \) | Load byte with sign extension |
lhu | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(\rd\gets\zext(H[\rs\badd\sei]) \) | Load half word with zero extension |
lbu | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(\rd\gets\zext(B[\rs\badd\sei]) \) | Load byte with zero extension |
sw | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(W[\rs\badd\sei]\gets\rd \) | Store word |
sh | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(H[\rs\badd\sei]\gets\rd\bft{15}0 \) | Store half word |
sb | \(\rd\ i(\rs) \) | \(B[\rs\badd\sei]\gets\rd\bft70 \) | Store byte |
beq | \(\rs\ \rt\ \offset \) | \(\pc\gets\cbranch(\rs=\rt) \) | |
bne | \(\rs\ \rt\ \offset \) | \(\pc\gets\cbranch(\rs\ne\rt) \) | |
b\(cc\)z | \(\rt\ \offset \) | \(\pc\gets\cbranch(\rt\mathop{cc} 0)\) | \(cc\in\{\text{lt},\text{gt},\text{le},\text{ge}\}\) (signed comparison) |
jal | \(\addr \) | \(\$ra\gets\pc\badd 4, \pc\gets\addr \) | Function call |
jr | \(\rs \) | \(\pc\gets\rs \) | Indirect jump |
syscall | \(\) | \(\) | Invoke operating system |
li | \(\rd\ i \) | \(\rd\gets i \) | Load constant into reg |
la | \(\rd\ l \) | \(\rd\gets \addr \) | Load address of label into reg |
move | \(\rd\ \rs \) | \(\rd\gets\rs \) | Copy reg |
not | \(\rd\ \rs \) | \(\rd\gets\bneg{\rs} \) | Bitwise complement |
neg | \(\rd\ \rs \) | \(\rd\gets-\rs \) | \(\cdot(-1)\) |
b | \(\offset \) | \(\pc\gets\pc\badd 4\cdot(1\badd \sei) \) | Unconditional jump |
b\(cc\) | \(\rs\ \rt\ \offset \) | \(\pc\gets\cbranch(\mathit{cc}) \) | \(cc\in\{\text{lt},\text{gt},\text{le},\text{ge}\}\) (signed comparison) |